Match Between Yuva arjun VS Don Bosco Toss won by Yuva arjun opt to bat fist First inning Batting first, Yuva arjun and scored 115/6runs lost...
In MSV tournemt under 13boys. The match played between Bhosale Cricket Academy VS Kaustub Pawar Cricket Academy Toss won by Bhosale Cricket Academy and choose to...
In the Cricfit Primeir League one-day Championship under 19girl’s at Azad Maidan .The match had played between Rising players VS Negav Cricket Academy. Toss won by...
Match Between EAGLE STRYKER Vs FALCON REAPERS Toss Won By Falcon Reapers and choose to Field first First Inning EAGLE STRYKER Scored 172 runs for...
In the Cricfit Primeir League one-day Championship under 16girls The match had played between Bhosale Cricket Academy VS Kmcc Toss won by Bhosale Cricket Academy opt...
In crickfit Primeir League one-day Championship under 16girls The match was played between Kingly 1 VS Achrekar Cricket club Toss won by Achrekar Cricket club elected...
The Match Was Played Between EAGLE STRYKER VS FALCON REAPERS Toss won by Falcon Reapers and Choose to Field first First Inning Eagle Stryker Scored a...
In crickfit Primeir League Chandigarh Edition Championship under 16boys The match was played between Cricfit Mumbai VS Youth cricket academy Toss won by Youth cricket academy...
In the CPL Chandigarh Edition Championship under 19boys The match had played between Cricfit Mumbai VS YGR Toss won by Cricfit Mumbai team and elected to...
In the teekam singh cricket academy meerut 27Jan The match had played between CKW 1 VS CKW 2 Toss won by CKW Team 2Choose to field...