All Rounder Sanika Chalke smashed 36runs in 26 balls and take 2wkts
In the Cricfit Primeir League under 19girl’s
The match had played between Achrekar Cricket Academy VS Celebractions club. Toss won by Celebrations opt to bat First
First inning
Celebrations Club batting first and scored 69/10 in 34.4 Overs. Acherekar bowlers bowl very well Niviya Ambre 4overs 8runs 3wkts, Palak 6 overs 13 runs 2wkts and All runder Sanike chalke 4 overs 1 maiden 11runs 2wkts.
Second inning
Archer cricket academy chased this 69 target only 7.4 overs lost of 1 wkts and won the match by 9wkts
Player of the match Sanike chalke
Some best performance
Scored card links