Smirdh Bhat Played 53runs Knock in MSV Tournemt under 13boys Match

In MSV tournemt under 13boys.Venue Cross Maidan National ground.The match had played between Cricket Mantra VS Kalpavruksha.Toss won by cricket Mantra ans elected to bat first. Batting first cricket mantras scored 116/9 in 21 overs. Smirdh bhat played very well and scored 53runs in 49balls on this inning he hit 4 boundary.From Kalpavruksha team side Vasu Gupta bowled very well. He throw 4overs 7runs and picked 3wkts. In the second inning Kalpavruksha scored 111/4 and lost the match by 4 runs. From Kalpavruksha Varad mager showing his talent and scored 41*runs.

Some best performance of the match

Image credit by Crickheros

Man of match Smirdh bhat

Match scorecard link

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